Monday, December 22, 2008

The Our Time Questions with Chelsea Lacatena

Periodically, we will interview members of the Our Time and Camp Our Time family (company members, alumni, honorees, participating artists, the board, volunteers, staff, donors, parents, campers, counselors, etc.) by asking them the same 20 questions. Which will now be known as THE OUR TIME QUESTIONS. 

Our fourth interview is with Chelsea Lacatena. Chelsea has been an important part of Our Time since the very beginning.  Chelsea was the first Our Time employee and is now the Associate Artistic Director of Our Time. Our Time would not be as groovy without her.  THANKS CHELSEA!!!

1. Favorite Food: I could eat pizza everyday

2. Favorite thing about Our Time: just one?! Hmmm… the LOVE!

3. Favorite place I’ve been: Ireland

4. Place I’ve always wanted to go: Italy

5. Favorite Movie: Clue

6. If you were trapped on an island for three years, and you could only listen to one recording artist, who would it be: Stevie Wonder

7. Mac or PC: Mac

8. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate

Cats or Dogs: er… neither.

Favorite Our Time moment: My favorite Our Time moments are when it dawns on the new members how amazing the experience of being in Our Time is. You can see them becoming more comfortable with the group each week, more confident, and participating more. Then they start the process again, warming up to the theatre, and then they shine in front of the audiences when the show finally opens! Then they “get it” and are able to help the NEW new members when the season starts again!

What do you want to be when you grow up: still trying to figure that out!

Who would play you in a movie: Amy Sedaris

Favorite Book: To Kill a Mockingbird

Favorite sports team: Yankees

What advice do you have for people who stutter: Speak from the heart & people will listen! Don’t let your speech interruptions dictate your behavior, people are more willing to listen than you may believe, especially if you’re being honest and speaking from the heart.

What advice do you have for people who don’t stutter: LISTEN. Just relax and don’t judge, or get all freaked out if a person you are talking to is stuttering

Favorite TV Show: 30 Rock

Favorite Play or Musical: Gypsy

If you were President, what would your first official act be: 4 year supply of Ben & Jerry’s stocked in the presidential freezer

Where do you see Our Time in 10 years: In our own beautiful building with rehearsal spaces, computers, a theatre, and an office where we can do everything under one roof… OUR HOME!

1 comment:

riki said...

YAY for Our Time's own building!!!
YAY for Chelsea!!!
Thanks, Chelsea, for all you do for Our Time and for who you are!!!